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Why Magnesium Malaysia?

Our products are imported directly from Europe and we take great care to ensure that it does not get contaminated in each step of its journey.

We believe that staying healthy does not need to be complicated and confusing, we subscribe to the philosophy that given the right nutrition the human body will be better equipped to repair itself. When we heard about the wonders and importance of Magnesium we just had to share it with everyone.

Shop Online
You can be confident that our supply is of the highest quality free from pollution and other contaminants.
Ancient Sea Bed
Deep underground is a 250-million-year-old inactive sea of magnesium chloride oil that has never been touched by modern day pollution.
Complete Bio-availability
Transdermal magnesium presents a new form of magnesium that bypasses absorption problems and has the highest rate of bio-availability.
Nationwide Delivery
Don’t trouble yourself, we will delivery the Magnesium to you free of charge with every purchase.
  • Free Delivery Nationwide
    Fast and efficient

    Order from our online shop and pay using the trusted platform PayPal, and we will deliver it to you free of charge anywhere in Malaysia.

  • Nutrition Consultation
    Consult our experts and nutritionists

    At Magnesium Malaysia we aim to to raise the health quality of all Malaysians, we believe that health is a vital part of leading a successful life.

  • Be proactive
    Prevention is better than the cure

    In the modern age of refined and junk foods, our diet rarely consists of the nutrition we need, often people turn to supplements in the form of tablets that are not very bio-available to the body.

  • Lifestyle
    A way of life

    Don’t go on a diet, change the way you eat today. Eating healthy is more than just a fad or a short term diet change.